Taking the best from her Diplomas in Craniosacral Therapy and Remedial Massage and her experience as a Yoga Teacher, Anita works to assist people in their deepest healing. Her training in Biodynamic or Stillness Touch has honed her skills as a tactile therapist, giving her the capacity to effectively work with people’s physical, mental and emotional conditions, via the body. She completed the three year Somatic Experiencing Practitioner training and Touch Skills for Trauma Therapists in April 2019. Somatic Experiencing is the physiological approach to resolving trauma, be it shock or developmental trauma. 

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I practice the Visionary model, as opposed to the osteopathic. Osteopathic model tends to be more technical, structural and corrective. Visionary is more global, holistic and (in my opinion) nervous system based. Some say it works more with the energetics of the body. Either way, it’s very gentle and I aim to be as non-intrusive as I possibly can be, whilst supporting the system.ba

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
Somatic Touch Practitioner
Dip Craniosacral Therapy
Dip Remedial Massage
 Biodynamic Touch Mentorship
Certificate Yoga Teaching